Shaggy Designs designs and builds composite playboats and paddles for the white water market. We are based in Foresters Falls, Ontario, near to the world famous Ottawa river.
2024-08-03 2025 Pre-orders. We have reached capacity for the fall of 2024. This means that our estimated delivery for new orders is now spring of 2025. If you know you want something from us, get in touch and we can book you in for 2025 pre-orders.
2024-07-02 K-Pump Bags. Love your K-Pump, but need a better way to secure it to your raft? Look no further than our new range of K-Pump bags. These bags have 50mm webbing along front and back, with plenty of loops to strap securely to your raft, drain holes and a sturdy 50mm buckle closure.

2023-10-19 Prototype Slalom Boat. We have been testing the second prototype of our slalom boad design this summer. It is a great boat for bigger water, and is quick to turn and accelerate, even in choppy conditions. There are a few more tweaks that we are going to experiment with before we put it into production. As ever, if you are around the Ottawa river, feel free to come for a test drive next summer!

2022-07-15 New gauge on the Madawaska. We have just installed and calibrated our newest addition the fleet of online river gauges. We now have live river levels and flows for the Madawaska river downsteram of Bark lake dam here.
We still have room for some more sponsorship ads, so if you are interested in contributing to the project, get in touch!
2022-06-06 World Rafting Championships 2022 - Bosnia. The World Rafting Championships have just concluded, and the 3 teams from Canada (ladies U23, Open and Masters) all did admirably. This is the Open ladies team, with some of the paddles that we made for them.

Check out the final results from the International Rafting Federation.
2022-05-21 Race paddles for the Ladies Canadian Rafting Team. The Open Womens team for the 2022 World Rafting Championships in Bosnia will be racing with a new set of matching paddles from us.

The team are on their way to Bosnia very soon, and we wish them all the best. Regular event updates will be posted by the International Rafting Federation.